Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Splish Splash

FHE Monday night was a great time! I learned that there is a distinct difference between a brat and a hot dog, skinny men don't make a big SPLASH when they cannonball and Brad can do one mean hands-up stands-up!

Enjoy some PHOTOS! ;)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

The Bees' game on Monday for FHE was so fun! Thanks to the FHE committee for planning such great activities!


We thought this could be a new and exciting way for individuals to contribute to the Cottonwood Chrony. :-) It can be a sounding board for recent articles, an opportunity to share photos, upcoming events, questions for Gabby, whatever you'd like...

We'll see how well this goes over and if it continues on. . . Feel free to add your thoughts and comments.

Happy Posting!

PS, If you would like to contribute blogs, email cottonwoodchronicle17@gmail.com and I'll add you. :) [and it is a requirement that you keep it clean and proper...your Bishopric is watching. ;) ] ALSO --be warned this is an OPEN BLOG. ANYONE can see it.